Friday, September 3, 2010

BIG GIRLS DON'T CRY....but today I wept

It's the end of the 2nd week of school. While our enrollment is slightly down, like most high schools across the nation, it has been a fabulous opening. The students have been amazing, teachers have been inspiring and there has been an overall sense of calm at the school. My school has experienced such growth over the last 2 years and while I am beginning my third year, I am excited about the possibilities.

During week one, I met with all underclassmen, as most school leaders do...welcomed them back, introduced myself to the new ones and shared with all our expectations. I let them know about our know, the way we do things here. I love providing incentives for the students but was not completely thrilled to announce our first school wide "pep rally." After all, as I told the students, they had done everything I asked them to do over the past 2 years and it was time for me to recignize that and give htem something they really wanted. This group of seniors had only been at the school a year when I got there and quickly comformed to my expectations. still did not stop me from being nervous.

We spent 2 weeks ordering t-shirts, as I wanted all the students to be in the same shirt, graduating classes only seperated by colors. The students were not excited about the shirts initally but were thrilled about the pep rally and wanted to make certain everything went well so I would not have a reason to "exercise my right to change my mind," which I always reserve.

It's 1:15p.m. our radio personality T-roy and our DJ are in place. The activities director has made a list and checked it three times.....we are ready to go. The students enter in their flow of black (c/0 2011), grey (c/o 2012), beige (c/o 2013), white (c/o 2014)and the games began. The AFROTC, our flying TIGERS did presentation of colors and then the music started pumping. The seniors started to scream as T-Roy recognized the Class of 2011!!!

During the course of the rally I could not help but stand back and smile. My teachers were having a blast...the kids were having a blast and things were great. When it comes to school, it really doesn't take much to make me happy...quality teaching, kids enjoying school, adults building all makes me happy. As I stood back and looked at the students I thought about how far we had come. I thought about the many successes we had witnessed over the last 2 years. I thought so many thoughts and with misty eyes...I smiled.

The big game night. Five hundred tickets sold in the first hour. Two thousand people later I was still waiting for the other shoe to fall. I look out over the crowd and hear my name being called repeatedly. I get hugs around my neck from behind, only to turn and see 2010 graduates showing me love. Telling me all about college as many were thanking me for caring enough to make certain they did what was necessary to graduate.

At the end of the night I was overwhelmed. It wasn't as if this was our first game ever or as if we had walked away with the victory as we had so many times in the past...but as I thought about the whirlwind week, the excitement from the students the connection of the teachers, a moment stood still. Our theme for the year is "It's Our Time...Dream, Dare, Do!" Earlier that day a student asked me as I was standing in the hall, Ms. Wright, why dream, dare, do...another student promptly chimed in..."at first our success was a dream...we dared to be successful but still came a little short...this time around with our hard work we will be successful...we are the group to do it." I stood in awe and with a mild nod, I said, "Exactly."

The night is over, the game is over, but the work is just beginning. As the tears began to stream down my face I heard the words we say every day...Tigers exhibit...Togetherness, Integrity, Greatness, Enthusiasm, Respect and Success. I thought about where we've been, envisioned where we are going and like a baby, eyes no longer misty, I cried.

It truly is OUR TIME!!

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